Our four-legged friends.
Our Horses
Black Rocky Mountain Gelding - 16 years old
Gray American Quarter & Paint Horse Mare - 25 years old
(AQHA/APHA registered)
Storm is the last of our breeding stock when we ran our breeding program Legends & Legacys. Her Sire was a famous reining and working wow horse named “Smokes Dude”. Storm has been with us since she was six months old. She had two babies in her life Flash (a Paint Filly) and Smoke (a Bay Roan gelding). Storm is very well trained “cow horse” you can rope with her or if you put her with cows, she practically works them herself. She and Melissa loved team penning together. Storm is loving the retired life of a cow horse. She makes everyone feel at peace in the arena.
Bella picked us. Through Equifest we met a wonderful woman and had an immediate connection. As our friendship grew, God led her to donate to Living Life Ranch. She invited us out to visit her Rocky Mountain herd. When we stepped out into the pasture walking towards the herd, Bella immediately came briskly walking up to us. She nuzzled and hugged us and just loved on us. We knew she was telling us that she was ours. Bella is one of the smartest horses we’ve seen. She can open and close gates from the ground or if you are riding her. She tries to think ahead of what you want to do before you ask her. We plan to have some fun with her and teach her some tricks. She loves attention so our sessions are one of her favorite jobs to do. She wants to be involved in everything we do at The Ranch.
Black Rocky Mountain Mare - 15 years old
As we walked up to the rest of the Rocky Mountain herd (Bella in our back pocket), Rio was the next to connect with us. He came right up and started loving on us. He and Bella gave each other dirty looks and fought for our attention. At that moment I didn’t know they were related. Rio had been trained and sold a few years prior to our visit. Unfortunately, the person that purchased him spoiled him and allowed him to get very pushy and bossy. Because of this behavior she started to be afraid of him and ended up selling him back. Rio came to Living Life Ranch with his sister and was the first to load in the trailer to show the others that it’s okay to load up and go places. He is very smart and sweet. He loves people like a giant dog and kids are very drawn to him.
Jasper was also at the same ranch as Bella and Rio, but is the exact opposite of them. He had trust issues with humans. We took baby steps with Jasper. He hadn’t had much human contact and really didn’t like it. So he was the most challenging of this group. Jayne was assigned to manage Jasper and his training. She and Jasper have a wonderful bond. He adores her and she him. They are so connected and it is so fun watching them work together. Sometimes it looks like they are dancing because they are so in synch. Jasper has grown to love people and is wonderful in our sessions. He is the first to volunteer in the herd. He went from “don’t touch me” to “please put the halter on me and let me help.”
Black Rocky Mountain Gelding - 17 years old
Slim Jim is a champion rodeo horse that developed navicular which halted his career. He could no longer perform the job he was trained to do, and his owners thought he would be a good fit for our program. He is a sweet horse who has quickly become one the favorites among our clients. He has a calming temperament and loves to greet people by lowering his head and leaning in for a hug. He has found new purpose and a new job here at the Ranch and he is a wonderful addition.
Slim Jim
Red Dunn Registered Quarter Horse - 14 years old
Over Paint Quarter Gelding - 20 years old
Alex was donated to Living Life Ranch by Mandi Barnes, an amazing person that approached us one day at church. She explained that she was praying about her situation and God asked her to donate Alex to Living Life Ranch. Alex has experience with cow working, trail riding, and parades. He is one of the favorites with our riders and our sessions. He is a very special boy and is the closest to acting like a dog out of our horses. He is a people pleaser most of the time. You have to keep him busy, or he gets into some mischief.
Libby was donated to Living Life Ranch by Linda Baumli. She has been an amazing addition to Living Life Ranch. In her past Libby partnered with a lot of beginner riders especially children. She “Loves treats and hugs” She is usually the first to greet everyone and doesn’t know a stranger (if she isn’t eating!)
Tobiano Paint Fox Trotter, Mare 18 years old
Flicka and Spirit
Flicka: Black and White Miniature Horse - 15 years old
Spirit: Our newest addition and youngest horse-7 years old
Flicka came to us through a dear friend Linda Baumli. She wanted her to be a part of Living Life Ranch for the kids. The adults love her just as much. Spirit was a surprise addition and has fit right in at the ranch! The mini’s have been a part of going into the community and have encouraged people at a school, retirement home, local tavern, and Arista addiction center. They are so friendly, and have very unique personalities!
Dark Chestnut Missouri Fox Trotter - 20 years old
Gypsy came from Cold Water Ranch in Eminence Missouri. Most people would be surprised that we use her for our sessions because her temperament is considered hot or high strung. We have been working with her for three years and when we started her with our Equine Applied Learning exercises, she completely changed. She changed because she found peace. She is a special horse and takes great care of those that work with her.